6: Basic Parameters
SLCâ„¢ 8000 Advanced Console Manager User Guide 62
To set the default and alternate network gateways:
set network gateway <parameters>
default <IP Address>
precedence <dhcp|default>
alternate <IP Address>
pingip <IP Address>
ethport <1 or 2>
pingdelay <1-250 seconds>
failedpings <1-25>
The alternate gateway is used if an IP address usually accessible through the default gateway fails
to return one or more pings.
To set the SLC host name and domain name:
set network host <Hostname> [domain <Domain Name>]
To set TCP Keepalive and IP Forwarding network parameters:
set network <parameters>
interval <1-99999 Seconds>
ipforwarding <enable|disable>
probes <Number of Probes>
startprobes <1-99999 Seconds>
To view all network settings:
show network all
To view Ethernet port settings and counters:
show network port <1|2>
To view DNS settings:
show network dns
To view gateway settings:
show network gateway
To view the host name of the SLC 8000 advanced console manager:
show network host