14 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
10. Copy the profile appropriate to your implementation.
• To copy an existing user’s profile to another user:
a) From the Windows NT-based machine hosting the profile to be
used, log on as an administrator.
b) From the Control Panel, click System. On the User Profiles page,
select the profile to be copied and use the Copy To option to en-
ter the path of the directory you created in Step 9.
c) Modify the permissions to reflect the proper account. To do this,
click the Change button, select the account, and click OK. Click
OK again to copy the profile.
• To copy the template profile to the Default User folder on validating
domain controllers:
a) From the Windows NT-based machine hosting the profile to be
used, log on as an administrator.
b) From the Control Panel, click System. On the User Profiles page,
select the profile to be copied and use the Copy To option to en-
ter the path of the Default User directory on the validating domain
c) Modify the permissions to reflect the Everyone group. To do this,
click the Change button, select the account, and click OK. Click
OK again to copy the profile.
• To copy a template profile manually to a number of users:
a) Copy the entire contents (files and subdirectories) from the direc-
tory containing the template user profile created in Step 8 to the
directory created in Step 9.
b) Repeat this for each of the user profile directories that will receive
the template user profile.
• When entering the path to the target directory, you can use Uniform Naming Convention (UNC)
names. However, if you are going to use the Browse function to locate the target directory for the
profile, it is important that you first map a drive to the \\server\share where the profile will be stored.
• The mydomainuser name shown in Step 2 does not have to be the user’s name. Many user accounts
or groups can be configured to point to the same profile. Of course, if the profile is shared by a
group of users and is not mandatory, as each user logs off, the user’s changes are written back to
the shared profile.
• The profile does not need to be stored one directory below the server\share. The profile can be
nested several directories below, or the profile path can be local.
• If the profile path points to a directory on the local machine, a share is not needed.
• The variable %USERNAME% is replaced by the user name only once in the User Profile path in User
Manager, and it must be the last subdirectory in the path. However, extensions can still be added,
such as .usr or .man.
• You can select any group or a specific user when setting the permissions. However, only the user or
group specified will be able to use the profile. For this reason, it is recommended that the Everyone
group be given permission to use template profiles.