Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper 71
Drive Shares – Server
Category: Windows NT Network
Subcategory: Sharing
Selection: Create hidden drive shares (server)
Description: When enabled, creates the administrative shares for
physical drives. These shares were created automatically
under Windows NT 3.51. This policy setting gives ad-
ministrators the ability to control this feature. This setting
is specific to Windows NT Server.
Registry Value Registry Data Description
AutoShareServer REG_DWORD NT Server specific: Off = 0; On = 1
Printer Browse Thread
Category: Windows NT Printers
Subcategory: Sharing
Selection: Disable browse thread on this computer
Description: When this option is enabled, the print spooler does not
send shared printer information to other print servers.
Registry Value Registry Data Description
DisableServerThread REG_DWORD Off = 0 or value is removed from registry;
On = 1
Server Scheduler
Category: Windows NT Printers
Subcategory: Sharing
Selection: Scheduler priority