Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper 55
Color Scheme
Category: Desktop
Selection: Color scheme
\Control Panel
Registry Value Registry Data Description
Current REG_SZ Off = value is removed; On = text of color
scheme name
Start Menu Run Command
Category: Windows NT Shell
Subcategory: Restrictions
Selection: Remove Run command from Start menu
Description: Removes the user’s ability to start applications or proc-
esses from the Start menu by removing the option
completely. Note that if the user still has access to the
MS-DOS prompt icon or command prompt, the user
can start unauthorized applications. To further restrict the
user’s ability to run specific applications, refer to the pol-
icy setting for “Run only allowed Windows applications”
later in this section.
Registry Value Registry Data Description
NoRun REG_DWORD Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Settings Folders
Category: Windows NT Shell
Subcategory: Restrictions
Selection: Remove folders from settings on Start menu
Description: Removes the Control Panel and Printers folders from the
Settings menu. Removing the Taskbar, Control Panel,
and Printer folders causes the Settings menu to be re-
moved completely.