72 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Registry Value Registry Data Description
SchedulerThreadPriority REG_DWORD Above normal = 1; Normal = 0, Less
than normal = ffffffff
Error Beep
Category: Windows NT Printers
Subcategory: Sharing
Selection: Beep for error enabled
Description: Enables beeping (every 10 seconds) when a remote job
error occurs on a print server.
Registry Value Registry Data Description
BeepEnabled REG_DWORD Off = 0; On = 1
Authentication Retries
Category: Windows NT Remote Access
Selection: Max number of unsuccessful authentication retries
Description: Specifies the number of times authentication will be at-
tempted for a user.
Registry Value Registry Data Description
AuthenticateRetries REG_DWORD Off = value is removed, On =Number of re-
tries in hexadecimal. Decimal = 1-10; default
= 2.
Authentication Time Limit
Category: Windows NT Remote Access
Selection: Max time limit for authentication
Description: Defines the maximum time limit in seconds for authenti-
cation to occur.