64 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Explorer File Menu
Category: Windows NT Shell
Subcategory: Restrictions
Selection: Remove File menu from Explorer
Description: Removes the File option from Explorer’s toolbar. (This
option was added in Service Pack 2.)
Registry Value Registry Data Description
NoFileMenu REG_DWORD Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Start Menu Common Program Groups
Category: Windows NT Shell
Subcategory: Restrictions
Selection: Remove common program groups from Start menu
Description: Disables the display of common groups when the user
selects Programs from the Start menu.
Registry Value Registry Data Description
NoCommonGroups REG_DWORD Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Taskbar Context Menus
Category: Windows NT Shell
Subcategory: Restrictions
Selection: Disable context menus for the Taskbar
Description: Removes the context menus for the tray, including the
Start button, Tab control, and Clock. (This option was
added in Service Pack 2.)