Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper 81
The following section describes the locations and values for useful registry
entries that are available in the operating system, but not available in the Sys-
tem Policy Editor.
Category: Windows NT Shell
Subcategory: Removable media
Description: Determines whether the Autorun feature is enabled on
each drive connected to the system. When Autorun is
enabled, media is started automatically when it is in-
serted in the drive. This value is comprised of 32 bits.
The lower 26 bits each represent a drive, with the lowest
(right-most) bit representing drive A and the 26th bit from
the right representing drive Z. If a bit is set to 0, the
autorun feature is enabled on that drive. If a bit is set to
1, the autorun feature is disabled on that drive.
For example, if the value of this entry is 0x8 (1000 bi-
nary), autorun is disabled on drive D. Note that a value of
1 in the bit representing the CD-ROM drive takes prece-
dence over the value of Autorun.
Registry Value Registry Data Description
NoDriveAutoRun REG_DWORD 0x0 - 0x3FFFFFF
Start Banner
Category: Windows NT Shell
Subcategory: Start banner
Description: Hides the arrow and "Click here to start" caption that ap-
pears on the taskbar when you start Windows NT.