Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper 75
Subcategory: Custom shared folders
Selection: Custom shared Start menu
Description: Specifies the UNC path the folder is to use when dis-
playing the folders, files, and shortcuts the user receives
as part of the Start menu.
\User Shell Folders
Registry Value Registry Data Description
Common Start
(Note: REG_SZ can be
used if no variables exist.)
Off = value is removed from registry,
On = text of UNC path to folder.
Default = %SystemRoot%\Profiles\
All Users\Start Menu
Shared Startup Folder Path
Category: Windows NT Shell
Subcategory: Custom shared folders
Selection: Custom shared Startup folder
Description: Specifies the UNC path the folder is to use to find folders,
files, and shortcuts that should be started when the user
logs on.
\User Shell Folders
Registry Value Registry Data Description
Common Startup REG_EXPAND_SZ
(Note: REG_SZ can be
used if no variables exist.)
Off = value is removed from registry,
On = text of UNC path to folder.
Default = %SystemRoot%\Profiles\
All Users\Start Menu\Programs\
Logon Banner
Category: Windows NT System
Subcategory: Logon
Selection: Logon banner