5/17/2007 page 105 of 138
Auto negotiation mode is : [disabled]
NOTES Check whether port-no is in the valid range. (1 ~ 24)
Set Auto-negotiation State
Command Name
port set autonego
Description Sets the auto negotiation mode of a given port to either enable or disable. If
the port auto negotiation mode is enabled, the switch can automatically
adjusts it speed and duplex mode to the incoming speed and duplexmode.
Syntax port set autonego <port-no><enable | disable>
port number (1 ~ 24)
enable | disable
Auto negotiation enable or disable
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> port set autonego 6 enable
Auto negotiation mode of port[6] is : [enabled]
N-TRON/Admin#[2]> port set autonego 24 disable
Auto negotiation mode of port[6] is : [disabled]
NOTES Check whether port-no is in the valid range. (1 ~ 24)
Set Priority State
Command Name
port set prioritystate
Description Enables or Disables the Priority State on a per port basis.
Syntax port set prioritystate <enable | disable><port-no>
port number (1 ~ 26)
enable | disable
Priority State enable or disable
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> port set prioritystate enable 6
NOTES Check whether port-no is in the valid range. (1 ~ 26)
Set Flow Control
Command Name
port set flowcontrol
Description Enable or Disable flow control (typically refers to 100Base). When
enabled a pause frame will be sent to help control the flow.
Syntax port set flowcontrol <port-no><enable | disable>
port number (1 ~ 24)
enable | disable
Flow Control enable or disable
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> port set flowcontrol 6 enable
NOTES Check whether port-no is in the valid range. (1 ~ 24)
Set Name
Command Name
port set name
Description Changes the name of the port. This change will only be visible in the CLI.
Syntax port set name <port-no><name>
Parameters port-no port number (1 ~ 26)
name A string that describes the port
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> port set name 6 waterplant
NOTES This will be reset if you change a slot configuration.
Command Name
port set pvid
Description Set a port’s VLAN-ID.
Syntax port set pvid <port-no><pvid-number>
port number (1 ~ 26)
The VLAN-ID number of the VLAN that this port will be a member of
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> port set pvid 6 2