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Set RSTP Bridge Hello Time
Command Name
rstp set bridgehellotime
Description To set the HelloTime for a given Vlan-Id.
With STP, Hello Time is the time intervals that the root bridge sends out
new BPDUs to the rest of the network. Other STP capable switches will
forward these BPDUs along. With RSTP every RSTP capable switch will
generate new BPDUs and send them out on every Hello Time Interval.
Syntax rstp set bridgehellotime <vlan-id> <hellotime>
Vlan Id for which the priority is to be set.
Hello Time to be set.
The valid range of the Hello Time is (1.0-10.0)secs.
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> rstp set bridgehellotime 1 2
N-TRON/Admin#[2]> rstp set bridgehellotime 2 5
NOTES Please ensure that the hellotime and vlan id values are valid
Get RSTP Bridge Hello Time
Command Name
rstp get bridgehellotime
Description To get the Hello Time of a given Vlan Id.
Syntax rstp get bridgehellotime<vlan-id>
Vlan Id for which the hellotime is to be viewed.
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> rstp get bridge hellotime 1
N-TRON/Admin#[2]> rstp get bridge hellotime 2
NOTES Please supply valid Vlan Index ( being greater than zero)
Set RSTP Bridge Max Age
Command Name
rstp set bridgemaxage
Description To set the Max Age for a given Vlan-Id. RSTP Max Age is the time the
switch waits after receiving a BPDU from the root bridge before declaring
that there is no longer a valid path to the root bridge (therefore he attempts
to become the new root bridge on the network). RSTP will only use this as
a backup feature, and to allow compatibility with older STP devices.
Syntax rstp set bridgemaxage <vlan-id> <maxage>
Vlan Id for which the priority is to be set.
The Max Age to be set.
The valid range for maxage is 6.0-40.0 secs. (IEEE 802.1D)
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> rstp set bridgemaxage 1 7
N-TRON/Admin#[2]> rstp set bridgemaxage 2 40
NOTES Please ensure that the max age and vlan-id are valid.
Get RSTP Bridge Max Age
Command Name
rstp get bridgemaxage
Description Gets the Bridge max age of the given Vlan-Id.
Syntax rstp get bridgemaxage <vlan-id >
Vlan ID for which the maxage is to be viewed.
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> rstp get bridgemaxage 1
N-TRON/Admin#[2]> rstp get bridgemaxage 2
NOTES Please supply valid vlan Index ( being greater than zero)