
5/17/2007 page 112 of 138
VLAN Related Commands
Add VLAN Entry
Command Name
vlan add
Description To create a Port based Virtual LAN
Syntax vlan add <vlan id> <mgmt port> [-name <vlan name>]
[-untagged <port mask>] [-tagged <port mask>]
[-admit <tagged-only|all>] [-mirror <port-no>]
Unique vlan id (2 ~ 4094).
mgmt port
Either 1 or 0.
‘1’ sets this vlan as management vlan.
Unique vlan name, which can be used to identify the
group. The name may include characters and numbers,
but should start with an alphabetic. Maximum number of
characters must not exceed 25.
-untagged port-list
List of ports that are to be included under this VLAN. Commas
can be used to separate individual ports (2,5,9) and the range can
be specified using a hyphen (10-15). The port numbers cannot
exceed the maximum number of ports on the board.
-tagged port-list
Optional parameters. Tagged port list values can
be specified in the similar way as that of <port-list>.
Allow tagged-only or all (untagged and tagged) packets.
Optional parameter. Port number that data should be mirrored to.
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> vlan add 2 1 –name vlan2 –untagged 1-
12 –admit all
N-TRON/Admin#[2]> vlan add 3 1 –name “vlan 3” –tagged
13-24 –admit tagged-only
NOTES Ensure that the ports included in the tagged port list do not exist in the
untagged ports-list field. Changing anything on a VLAN will turn on
RSTP on all VLANS as a precautionary measure.
Show List of Configured VLANs
Command Name
vlan show config
Description Displays the list of configured VLANS
vlan show config
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> vlan show config
NOTES It displays the information of the default vlan if no vlan is configured.
Display Information of a particular VLAN
Command Name
vlan get info
Description Displays the details of a particular VLAN.
Syntax vlan get info <vlan-id>
Vlan id of the existing vlan whose individual
configuration is required.
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> vlan get info 2
vlan ID : 2
vlan Name : “vlan 2”
port list : 1-4,11
tagged port mask: 10-15
management port : NO