5/17/2007 page 113 of 138
Modify an existing VLAN
Command Name
vlan modify
Description Modifies an existing VLAN.
vlan modify <vlan id> <mgmt port> [-name <vlan name>]
[-untagged <port mask>] [-tagged <port mask>]
[-admit <tagged-only|all>] [-mirror <port-no>]
unique vlan id ( 2 ~ 4094).
mgmt port
Management Port, yes or no (1 or 0).
vlan name
unique clan name, which can be used to identify.
port mask
List of ports that are to be included under this VLAN.
Commas can be used to separate individual ports (2,5,9)
and the range can be specified using a hyphen (10-15).
The port numbers cannot exceed the maximum number
of port on the board.
tagged-only or all. Type of packets can enter the port.
tagged port-list
Optional parameters. Tagged port list values can
be specified in the similar way as that of <port-list>.
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> vlan modify 2 1 –name “newvlan2” –
tagged 11-12
N-TRON/Admin#[2]> vlan modify 3 1 –name “vlan 3” –
untagged 1-10 –admit all
NOTES Changing anything on a VLAN will turn on RSTP on all VLANS as a
precautionary measure.
Delete VLAN
Command Name
vlan delete
Description Removes an existing VLAN from the list of configured VLANs.
Syntax vlan delete <vlan-id>
Vlan id of the existing vlan which has to be deleted
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> vlan delete 2
NOTES Please ensure that a port based vlan with the given vlan id exists. Changing
anything on a VLAN will turn on RSTP on all VLANS as a precautionary
Set VLAN as management VLAN
Command Name
vlan set mgmtvlan
Description Sets a Vlan as a management vlan. User can connect and monitor the
device activity from this VLAN.
Syntax vlan set mgmtvlan <vlan-id>
Vlan id of the vlan, which has to be set as management
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> vlan set mgmtvlan 2
NOTES Please ensure that the vlan with that vlan id already exists. Changing
anything on a VLAN will turn on RSTP on all VLANS as a precautionary