
5/17/2007 page 17 of 138
Serial Cable
Connect the serial COM port of your PC and the 9000 Series Switch using a standard straight through cable.
You will require a cable with a 9-pin or 25-pin sub-D female connector for the PC end, and a 9-pin male
sub-D connector for the 9000 Series end.
The following table shows the pin-out and the connections for both types of cable:
PC Port 25-Pin 9-Pin 9000 series
Female Female
9-Pin Male
Signal Name Pin # Pin # Pin # Signal Name
TXD 2 3 3 RXD
RXD 3 2 2 TXD
GND 7 5 5 GND
Shielded cables and null modems are readily available from Radio Shack or a variety of computer stores.
The following configuration should be used in HyperTerminal:
Port Settings: 115200
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow Control: None