
IP Network Services
Polycom®, Inc. 365
8 Click OK.
9 If you have modified the Management Network Properties, reset the MCU.
Modifying the Default IP Network Service in the RealPresence
Collaboration Server 800s
The Default IP Service parameters need to be modified if you want to change the:
Network type that the Collaboration Server connects to
IP address of the Collaboration Server Signaling Host
Gatekeeper parameters or add gatekeepers to the Alternate Gatekeepers list
SIP server parameters
Fast Configuration Wizard
The Fast Configuration Wizard enables you to configure the Default IP Service. It starts automatically if no
Default IP Network Service is defined. This happens during First Time Power-up, before the service has
been defined or if the Default IP Service has been deleted, followed by an Collaboration Server restart.
The IP Management Service tab in the Fast Configuration Wizard is enabled only if the factory default
Management IP addresses were not modified.
If the Fast Configuration Wizard does not start automatically, the Default IP Service must be modified
through the IP Network Properties dialog boxes.
To view or modify the Default IP Service:
1 In the Collaboration Server Management pane, click IP Network Services ().
The Secuity and Whitelist tabs are not supported in the RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s.