IP Network Services
Polycom®, Inc. 404
12 If required, click the QoS tab.
The Collaboration Server’s implementation of QoS is defined per Network Service, not per endpoint.
The field definitions of the QoS tab are the same as for the Default IP Network Service. For more
information see the RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s - Default IP Service – Conferencing –
QoS Parameters.
13 Click the SIP Servers tab.
14 Define the Primary and Alternate SIP Server for this network Service.
The field definitions of the SIP Servers tab are the same as for the Default IP Network Service. For
more information see the RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s - Default IP Network Service –
SIP Servers.
15 Click the Security tab.
The field definitions of the Security tab are the same as for the Default IP Network Service. For more
information see the RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s - Default IP Network Service – Security
(SIP Digest).
16 Optional. To configure the ICE environment, click the SIP Advanced tab.
17 Modify the following fields:
Default IP Network Service – SIP Advanced
18 Click the OK button.
The new Network Service is added to the IP Network Services list pane.
Setting a Network Service as Default
The default Network Service is used when no Network Service is selected for dial out participants.In
addition, the Signaling Host IP address and the MCU Prefix in GK displayed on the Collaboration Server
Web Client main screen are taken from the default H.323 Network Service.
The routers must support QoS in order for IP packets to get higher priority.
• If Microsoft Office Communications or Lync server are part of this network service, a certificate must
be created for this network service. If each network connected to the Collaboration Server includes
Microsoft Office Communications or Lync server, separate certificates must be created and sent to
the Collaboration Server for each of these networks.
• If the Network Service does not include a DNS, you must use the IP address of the SIP Server
instead of its name.
Field Description
Server User Name Enter the User name for this service as defined in the Active Directory. For
example, enter rmxNet2.
This field is disabled if the ICE Environment field is set to None.
ICE Environment Select MS (for Microsoft ICE implementation) to enable the ICE integration.