RMX Manager Application
Polycom®, Inc. 476
The System Alerts pane is opened and closed by clicking the System Alerts button in the left corner of the
Status Bar.
For more information about Active Alarms and Faults List, see System and Participant Alerts.
Participant Alerts
Lists the participants of all monitored MCUs that are experiencing connection problems. The list is sorted
by MCU and conference.
The Participant Alerts can be sorted by MCU by clicking the MCU header in the Participant Alerts table.
The Participant Alerts pane is opened and closed by clicking the Participant Alerts button in the left corner
of the Status Bar.
Port Usage Gauge
IThe Port Usage Gauge displays for the selected MCU:
● The total number of Video ports in the system.
● The number of Video ports in use.
● The High Port Usage threshold.
For more details, see the Polycom® RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s / Virtual Edition Getting
Started Guide, Port Usage Gauges.
MCU State
The MCU State indicator displays the status of the selected MCU.
For more details, see the Polycom® RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s / Virtual Edition Getting
Started Guide, The basic unit used for reporting resource usage in the Port Gauges is HD720p30. Results
are rounded to the nearest integer..
Address Book
Displays the Address Book of the selected MCU (regardless of its Monitored status). The Address Book is
a list of Participants and Groups that have been defined on the selected Collaboration Server.