Appendix H - Integration Into Microsoft Environments
Polycom®, Inc. 785
Lync 2013 SVC Connectivity to Polycom MCU
The Microsoft H.264 SVC codec replaces the H.263 codec previously used with Lync 2013 clients. Although
similar Polycom’s standards-based H.264 and SVC implementation, it is proprietary to Microsoft, enabling
video calls between Lync 2013 clients (endpoints) and Polycom endpoints to be established.
The Collaboration Server considers Lync 2010 and H.264 SVC Lync 2013 clients to be AVC endpoints. The
administrator must set the Conferencing Mode in the Conference Profile to CP (Continuous Presence) to
enable H.264 SVC Lync clients to connect to the conference.
Deployment Architectures
Two Deployment Architectures are presented as examples. Both require that a Polycom RealPresence
Distributed Media Application (DMA) System 7000 be configured as part of the solution.
Deployment Architecture 1 - Collaboration Server Hosted
Lync 2013 clients connect to a conference hosted on Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server.
Deployment Architecture 2 - MS AV MCU Cascade
Lync 2013 clients connect to a conference on Microsoft AVMCU which is connected to a Polycom
RealPresence Collaboration Server.
The following table summarizes current and legacy (non DMA) conferencing modes within the deployment
Conference Modes by Deployment Architecture
Deployment Architecture 1
Direct Dial In/Out (No AV
MCU cascade)
With or without DMA
Deployment Architecture 2
AV MCU Cascade Call (Indirect Dial In)
With DMA
(Backward Compatibility)
AVC Only Supported.
Dial Out out from DMA is not
For backward compatibility,
Dial out from the RMX Web
Client or RMX Manager can
be used.
When using backward
compatibility mode for Dial
out, H.264 SVC Lync 2013
clients are not be supported.
If the Video Protocol field in
the Participant dialog -
Advanced tab is set to Auto,
RTV protocol is used.
Simulcast transmitted.
Multiple participants received.
One transmitted RTV stream.
One received RTV stream.
Mixed Mode Supported Not Supported
SVC Only Not Supported