RMX Manager Application
Polycom®, Inc. 479
3 Click OK.
The MCU is added to the MCUs pane.
4 If required, repeat steps 1-3 to define additional Collaboration Server units.
The MCUs pane contains the list of all defined MCUs.
Starting a Conference
There are several ways to start a conference:
● Clicking the New Conference button in the Conferences pane. For more information, see Starting a
Conference from the Conferences Pane.
● Dialing in to a Meeting Room defined on any of the MCUs.
A Meeting Room is a conference that is saved on the MCU. It remains in passive mode until it is
activated by the first participant, or the meeting organizer dialing in. For more information about
Meeting Rooms, see Meeting Rooms.
● Dialing in to an Ad Hoc Entry Queue defined on one of the MCUs which is used as the access point
to the MCU.
For a detailed description of Ad Hoc Entry Queues, see Entry Queues.
● Start a Reservation:
If the Start Time of the Reservation is past due the conference becomes ongoing immediately.
If the Start Time of the Reservation is in the future the conference becomes ongoing, at the
specified time on the specified date.
For more information, see Starting a Reservation.
● Start any Conference Template saved in the Conference Templates list.
For more information, see Starting an Ongoing Conference or Reservation From a Template.
Interval Enter time in seconds between reconnect ion attempts to the Collaboration Server. For
example, if you enter 10, the system will wait 10 seconds between the connection
Max Time Enter the maximum amount of time in seconds that the Collaboration Server is allowed
to try to reconnect. If the Collaboration Server reconnects before the allotted time frame
the count down timer is halted. For example, if you enter 100, the system will stop trying
to reconnect if it has failed to do so within 100 seconds.
Field Description