5 – Managing Ports
Displaying Port Information
59022-06 A 5-5
Logout Count Number of device logouts that have occurred on the switch.
Al Init Count Number of times the port entered the initialization state.
Invalid Destination
Number of address identifier (S_ID, D_ID) errors. AL_PA
equals 0 on FL_Port or non-zero AL_PA found on F_Port.
Total LIP Received Number of loop initialization primitive frames received.
LIP(f7,f7) Count A loop initialization primitive frame used to acquire an AL_PA.
LIP(f7,f8) Count Currently not used.
LIP(f7,AL_PS) Count This LIP is used to reinitialize the loop. An L_port, identified by
AL_PS, may have noticed a performance degradation and is
trying to restore the loop.
LIP(f8,AL_PS) Count This LIP denotes a loop failure detected by the L_port
identified by AL_PS.
Number of F7, AL_PS LIPs, or AL_PD (vendor specific) resets,
AL Init Errors Number of times the port entered initialization and the
initialization failed. Increments count when port has a sync
Class 2 In Frames Number of class 2 frames received by this port.
Class 2 Out Frames Number of class 2 frames transmitted by this port.
Class 2 Words In Number of class 2 words received by this port.
Class 2 Words Out Number of class 2 words transmitted by this port.
Class 3 In Frames Number of class 3 frames received by this port.
Class 3 Out Frames Number of class 3 frames transmitted by this port.
Class 3 Words In Number of class 3 words received by this port.
Class 3 Words Out Number of class 3 words transmitted by this port.
Decode Error Count Number of invalid transmission words detected during
decoding. Decoding is from the 10-bit characters and special K
Loss Of Sync Count Number of synchronization losses (>100 ms) detected by this
port. A loss of synchronization is detected by receipt of an
invalid transmission word.
Table 5-5. Port Statistics Data Window Entries (Continued)
Entry Description