B–Log Messages
ISR645610-00 B B-31
172240 FcipRoute#%d: De-encapsulation Error on
FCIP Error FCIP route #n Local Node is out of sync with the
remote peer.
172245 FcipRoute#%d: Transmit Failure FCIP Error FCIP route #n not able to transmit data.
172246 FcipRoute#%d: Remote Peer Disconnected FCIP Error FCIP route #n remote peer closed connection.
172247 FcipRoute#%d: Failed to send FC Up/Down FCIP Error Not able to bring the Fibre Channel port up or down.
172249 FcipRoute#%d: FCIP Link Down FCIP Error FCIP link is down for FCIP route #n.
172250 FcipRoute#%d: TCP Link Down FCIP Error TCP link for FCIP route #n has been established.
172253 FcipRoute#%d: Remote Peer IP Address
Validation Failed. Expected IP Address:
%d.%d.%d.%d, Actual IP Address:
FCIP Error FCIP route #n: Received connection from unauthor-
ized remote peer.
172272 FcipRoute#%d: Tcp Client's connect
attempt failed
FCIP Error FCIP route #n was not able to establish the TCP con-
nection with remote peer.
172273 FcipRoute#%d: Tcp Server's Listen attempt
FCIP Error FCIP route #n is not able to establish the TCP con-
nection with remote peer.
172300 FcipRoute#%d: tcpi_total_retrans %d,
tcpi_reordering %d, tcpi_probes %d
FCIP Error Displays FCIP route #n's WAN characteristics,
including TCP total retransmission for entire connec-
tion (tcpi_total_retrans), packet reordering metric
(tcpi_reordering), and unanswered zero window
probe (tcpi_probes).
Table B-1. iSR6152 Router Log Messages (Continued)
ID Log Message