
2–Understanding the User Interface
Shortcut Menus
ISR645610-00 B 2-9
FCIP Route Remove Launches a wizard to select an FCIP route to delete.
FW Update Wizard Launches a wizard for updating the router’s firmware.
iSCSI Target Map Wizard Opens a dialog box to present multiple iSCSI targets (with a sin-
gle LUN per target) into a single Fibre Channel target.
License an Array Launches a wizard to select an array for unrestricted data migra-
tion capacity. (Data migration is an optional, licensed feature of
SANsurfer Router Manager.)
LUN Presentation Wizard Launches a wizard for presenting (mapping) LUNs to iSCSI initi-
LUN Unpresentation Wizard Launches a wizard to remove mapping between target LUNs and
iSCSI initiators.
Ping Initiates a ping from the specified Ethernet port (management,
GE1, or GE2) to a specified IP address.
Reboot Restarts the iSR6152 router.
Refresh Updates the window with current information for all connected
storage routers. For procedures, see “Refreshing the Host Con-
figuration” on page 1-12.
Remove Data Management LUN This data migration option is not valid for the iSR6152.
Remove Group Deletes the currently selected data migration job group.
Remove Initiator Removes the selected iSCSI initiator. This option is available
only when an initiator is selected (highlighted) in the router tree.
Remove Offline Target Deletes the selected offline Fibre Channel target. This option is
available only when an offline Fibre Channel target is selected
(highlighted) in the router tree.
Rename Group Opens a dialog box where you can enter a different name for the
currently selected data migration job group.
Rescan Causes the router to rediscover all target devices on both the
Fibre Channel and iSCSI interfaces (ports).
Scrubbing LUN Opens a dialog box to wipe out data residing on the LUN. This
feature is primarily used to erase confidential information on the
Traceroute Initiates a traceroute from the specified port (management, GE1,
or GE2) to a specified IP address.
Table 2-3. Shortcut Menu Options (Continued)
Option Description