
3–Viewing Router Information
Router iSR6152
ISR645610-00 B 3-9
NTP Server 3 specifies the IPv4 or IPv6 of the third NTP server to be
queried by the router when setting its time and date. This server is
used only if the first and second NTP servers did not respond.
Click Set NTP Address to save the changes to the NTP servers IP
Select the Enable iSNS check box to allow input of Internet simple name
service (iSNS) server details. Then follow these steps:
a. Select an IP server type: IPv4 Server or IPv6 Server.
b. Type the Server IP address.
c. Click Save to preserve the iSNS changes.
Click the fourth vertical tab on the router’s Information page to view the
Security page, as shown in Figure 3-4.
Figure 3-4. Router Information: Security Page
The Security page enables you to change the router’s password for Application
Access and Data Migration Access by completing the following:
In the Current Password box, type the current password.
In the New Password box, type the new router password.
In the Verify New Password box, type the new password again.
Click Apply to save the password changes.
Click Clear Fields to remove your entries in the password boxes.