3–Viewing Router Information
FCIP Routes
ISR645610-00 B 3-41
TCP Port Number identifies the TCP port number on which the FCIP server
listens for TCP connections; the default value for FCIP is 3225.
Programmed GigE Port Speed indicates the value specified for the GbE
port speed by the user when the FCIP route was created or modified. Select
one of the following values:
Auto allows the router to negotiate the link speed with the peer port.
The router advertises speeds of 1Gbps and 100Mbps.
100 Mbps forces the port link speed to 100Mbps.
1 Gbps forces the link speed to 1Gbps. With this option, the router
negotiates with the peer port, but only advertises a speed of 1Gbps.
GigE Port Speed indicates the actual value of the GbE port speed.
Typically, this value is the same as the Programmed GigE Port Speed.
However, when the Programmed GigE Port Speed is Auto, this field
indicates the negotiated port speed.
GigE Port Flow Control indicates whether flow control (IEEE802.3x Pause)
is enabled or disabled. When Enabled (the default), the corresponding GbE
port sends and receives Ethernet pause frames. When pause frames are
received, the port suspends sending Ethernet traffic. When the port runs low
on receive buffers, it sends a pause frame.
Table 3-1. TCP Window Scaling Factor
TCP Window Size
(in bytes)
Scale Factor
Actual Window
Size (in bytes)
32767 0
(scaling disabled)
32767 1 64,534
32767 2 131,068
32767 3 262,136
32767 4 524,272
32767 5 1,048,544
32767 6 2,097,088
32767 7 4,194,176
32767 8 8,388,352
32767 9 16,776,704