
2–Understanding the User Interface
Shortcut Menus
2-8 ISR645610-00 B
Table 2-3 provides a description of each shortcut menu option, listed
Data migration is an optional, licensed feature of SANsurfer Router
Detailed procedures for the wizards are included in the “Using the
Wizards” section of the help system.
Table 2-3. Shortcut Menu Options
Option Description
Add Group Opens a dialog box for specifying the name of a new data migra-
tion job group.
Add Initiator Wizard Launches a wizard for entering an iSCSI initiator into the system
Add Remote Router Wizard Launches a wizard for assigning a local router to a remote router
as peers.
Beacon OFF Stops flashing the iSR6152 router beacon.
Beacon ON Starts flashing the iSR6152 router beacon to locate the physical
Configure Migration Jobs Opens a dialog box for scheduling an individual data migration
job or multiple jobs to run in batch mode.
Configure Verifying Jobs Launches a wizard to configure verification jobs to compare data
residing on two LUNs.
Connect Adds an iSR6152 router to the router tree. For procedures, see
“Connecting SANsurfer Router Manager to the Router” on
page 1-6.
Create Data Management LUN This data migration option is not valid for the iSR6152.
Disconnect Disconnect detaches from the iSR6152 router, removing it from
the router tree.
All Router(s) detaches from all iSR6152 routers and removes
them from the router tree.
Discover iSCSI Target Launches a wizard to specify the IP address of the iSCSI target
to be discovered. The target is added to the discovered targets
FCIP Route Add Launches a wizard to configure a new FCIP route.