B–Log Messages
ISR645610-00 B B-33
205571 QL3xxx:%s: Auto Negotiation error
NIC Error Ethernet port was not able to negotiate the config-
ured speed.
205572 QL3xxx:eth%d: Unsupported speed
portConfig 0x%x
NIC Error Ethernet port speed is not supported.
206080 QL3xxx:ql3xxx_probe: cannot allocate
ethernet device %s
NIC Error Ethernet device could not be configured.
206089 QL3xxx:ql3xxx_probe: cannot register
network device %s
NIC Error The Ethernet port was not able to register as a net-
work device, resulting in a port initialization error for
the specified network device.
206114 QL3xxx:eth%d: TCP/IP checksum error -
TotalChecksumErrorCount = %lu
N IC Error The total number of TCP checksum errors detected
on the Ethernet link belonging to the eth#%d port.
217856 QL3xxx:%s: PHY Downshift occurred NIC Info Ethernet port is operating at 100mbps speed.
217857 QL3xxx:%s: Link Up NIC Info Ethernet link is up.
217858 QL3xxx:%s: Link Down NIC Info Ethernet link is down.
218389 QL3xxx:%s Adapter Down NIC Info Ethernet port is down.
218401 QL3xxx:%s Adapter Up NIC Info Ethernet port is up.
233473 "memory monitor: Detected Uncorrectable
Ecc %08lx system is rebooting in 5 secs\n"
System Fatal Uncorrectable memory error detected at address pro-
vided in log message.
233474 "Failed to register interrupt handler!\n" System Fatal Attempt to register the interrupt handler failed.
233475 "%s class_simple_create failed\n" System Fatal Failed class_simple_create system call from
memory monitor initialization routine.
Table B-1. iSR6152 Router Log Messages (Continued)
ID Log Message