
3–Viewing Router Information
iSCSI Ports
3-18 ISR645610-00 B
iSCSI Port Information
The iSCSI Port Information area provides the following information and settings:
Base Name shows the full name assigned to the selected iSCSI port.
Link Status identifies the port connection status: Link Up or Link Down.
MAC Address assigned to the port; this parameter is not editable.
Actual Port Speed indicates the real speed, for example, 1Gbps/FDX. If the
port's configuration or connection has changed, the value may not be
current. Click the Refresh button to view the current speed.
Programmed Port Speed indicates the configured data rate for the port. To
change the data rate, select one of the following data rates:
Auto is the data rate determined by network attachment.
100 Mbps specifies 100 megabits per second.
1 Gbps specifies 1 gigabit per second.
Link Rate Mode is available if you selected a specific Programmed Port
Speed (not Auto). Select either Auto or Full Duplex mode.
Flow Control. If you selected a specific Programmed Port Speed (not
Auto), you can enable or disable flow control.
iSCSI Port Network Settings
The iSCSI Port Network Settings include the following:
Port Status allows you to enable or disable the port when the port link is up.
IPv4 Address. When using an IPv4 scheme, define the following
IP is the IP to which the port responds. An uninitialized port has an IP
of all zeros.
Subnet Mask is the subnet mask used by the port.
Gateway is the gateway for the selected port.
VLAN indicates the virtual LAN configuration: Disabled or Enabled.
Enable VLAN to configure the following:
VLAN ID specifies an identification value in the range 1 to 4094.
Priority defines the priority (0 to 7) assigned to this VLAN.
IPv6 Address. When using an IPv6 scheme, define the following:
IPv6 Address 1 is the first user-assigned IPv6 to which the port
responds. A value of :: indicates that an IPv6 has not been assigned.
IPv6 Address 2 is the second user-assigned IPv6 to which the port
responds. A value of :: indicates that an IPv6 has not been assigned.