8 | The first ti m e you use the Rio Advanced Digital Audi o Ce n ter
Time & Date
1. Press Down on the Navigation Button to highlight Set The Time and
2. Press Select on the Navigation Button to display the Set Time & Date
Time is displayed with fields for hour : minutes : seconds. Time is in military
time (24 hour clock).
Date is displayed with fields for date : month : year.
Automatic Internet Synchronization allows the system to recheck the
clock settings each time it logs onto the Internet.
Below that are Time Zone and Done buttons.
3. Press Previous or Next on the Navigation Button to navigate to a
different field.
4. Press + and - on the Navigation Button to Increase or Decrease the
values in each of the fields to match the correct time and date.
5. Press Next to move to Automatic Internet Synchronization box.
The Navigation Icon options change to Previous, To g g l e , Next, and
If you do not want the Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center to automatically
recheck its time and date settings when online, press either Toggle button to
unmark the box.
6. Press Next on the Navigation Button to highlight the Done button.
7. Press OK on the Navigation Button to exit the Set Time & Date screen.
Navigation Icon
Hint: Previous and
Next move the
cursor between the
boxes and buttons.
+ and - increase and
decrease values.