110 | Index User’s Guide
managing playlists 26
menu button 14
menu tree illustration 107
modifying playlists 26
navigation button 15
network configuration 63
now playing button 14
now playing button on remote control 17
now playing list 42
num lock button on remote control 16
play/pause button 13
play/pause button on remote control 17
playing CDs 18
playing games 86
playing recorded music 35
adding tracks to 27
creating 24
deleting 30
editing 27
modifying 26
removing tracks 28
renaming 29
reordering tracks in 28
plugging in Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center 5
portable digital audio players 80
random button on remote control 17
random play 40
Rec CD button on remote control 17
recording CDs 20
recording multiple CDs 23
recording quality settings 52
regulatory information 94
remote control 15
remote control buttons
alphanumeric 16
backspace 16
caps lock 16
change now playing 17
clear 17
display 15
edit 16
enter 16
fastforward 17
now playing 17
num lock 16
play/pause 17
random 17
Rec CD 17
repeat 17
rewind 17
special characters 16
stop 17
visuals 15
removing tracks from playlists 28
removing tracks from Rio Audio Center 31
renaming playlists 29
reordering tracks in playlists 28
repeat button on remote control 17
repeating tracks and playlists 40
restore factory settings 68
rewind button on remote control 17
Rio Receiver 78
screen 12
select keyboard type 69
setting the clock 65
setting up Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center 4
setup menu
default settings 68
display 51
enter emplode password 70
network configuration 63
recording quality 52
restore factory settings 68
select keyboard type 69
setting the clock 65
shuffle and repeat 40
standby button 14
status/feedback bar 12
stop button on remote control 17
technical specifications 92, 108
technical support 106
transfer to writable CD 37
troubleshooting 102
upgrading firmware 87
USB Ethernet adapters 63
using Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center with DSL
or cable modems 63
using Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center with Rio
Receiver 78