56 | Con f i guri n g int e rnet c o nne c t i o n /set t ings
Getting track details from Internet
This features allows the Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center to go online and get
the track details — artist name, album title, track length, and so on —
automatically, so you do not have to fill out each track’s entry manually. This
feature makes it convenient to record all of your favorite music CDs onto your
Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center without having to spend time typing in track
1. This option will automatically be highlighted. Press Select on the Navigation
Button to go to the Get Track Details from Internet screen.
Ye s is automatically the highlighted choice. However, if you do not want the
Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center to connect automatically to the Internet
to locate track information, press Down on the Navigation Button to
highlight No.
2. Press Select on the Navigation Button to enter your choice and to return
to the Internet Connection/Settings screen.
NOTE: If the ISP Configuration screen appears, you may set up your
connection now by pushing Continue on the Navigation
Button. See “ISP settings” on page 57.