Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center User’s Guide | 9
Recording quality
The Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center is set up to record your music CDs at
optimal compression rates. It is configured to record your CD music and convert
it into high quality digital audio files that are less compressed for the Rio
Advanced Digital Audio Center to play or smaller, more highly compressed files
to transfer to your portable Rio digital audio player.
Approximate recording capacity (number of CDs worth of
music) at various quality settings
Capacity estimated using 60 minute CDs and 38.5 GB of available hard drive
space. Actual performance may vary.
Customize standard recording settings
1. Press Down on the Navigation Button to highlight Customize Standard
Recording Settings.
2. Press Select on the Navigation Button to display the Current Standard
Recording Quality screen.
The currently available compression rates are listed in Kbps with the default
speed highlighted. At the bottom of the list is the Advanced option.
3. Highlight the recording rate you want to use by pressing Up or Down on the
Navigation Button, and then press Select to return to the setup screen.
Standard Recording Settings
128kbps 160kbps 192kbps 256kbps 320kbps
668 535 446 334 267
446 382 334 267 223
382 334 297 243 206
334 297 267 223 191
Hint: Kbps stands for
Kilobits Per Second.
In this instance it
refers to the
number of bits used
to make up one
second of sound.
128 Kbps means it
takes 128,000 bits
to produce one
second of sound.