4 | Setting up your Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center
The Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center connects to your home stereo system,
your PC, and the Internet. In this chapter, you will learn how to connect the Rio
Advanced Digital Audio Center, and run initial setup.
NOTE: At this time, USB hubs are not supported, and may cause
unreliable operation.
Setting up your Rio Advanced Digital Audio
Connect the Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center to your
home stereo system
The Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center comes with an RCA cable with red and
white connectors at each end, to connect it to your home stereo system.
1. Plug the red RCA connector (right audio channel) to the Red RCA Jack and
the white RCA connector (left audio channel) to the White RCA Jack on
the back of your stereo receiver.
2. Plug the other end of the RCA cable’s red RCA connector to the Red RCA
Jack and the white RCA connector to the White RCA Jack on back of the
Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center.
Plug the Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center into the nearest
phone jack for Internet and network access
The Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center has a built-in 56K modem, and a Home
Phoneline Networking (Home PNA) card. The modem allows you to access
digital music databases on the Internet, and firmware upgrades for your Rio
Advanced Digital Audio Center. The Home PNA capability allows you to connect
via your standard phonelines to your computer — if you have an optional Home
PNA card installed on your computer — or to your Rio Receiver.
Phoneline Jack
USB Port 1
Use to connect
to PC
Power Port
Fan Runs automatically as needed to regulate the
internal temperature
Link (green) and
Data Activity (yellow)
Power Switch
USB Port 2
Use to connect to
networking devices,
keyboards, and so on
Pass-Through Jack
White RCA
Phoneline Jack
Pass-Through Jack