Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center User’s Guide | 21
• The Navigation Icon with the options Play CD, Record & Play,
Record, and Back.
3. Press Record or Record & Play on the Navigation Button.
The Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center will return to the Now Playing
screen and the Status/Feedback Bar displays the CD Artist Name and
Tr ack Na m e of the tracks being recorded along with a status bar to let you
know what percentage of the track has been recorded.
If you selected Record & Play, the Now Playing screen displays a list of the
Track Titles on the CD, followed by the Track T i m e of each track.
As each track plays, the Track Tim e Elapsed will show along with the Total
Tr ack Ti m e .
If for any reason you wish to change the CD or track information, press the
Edit button on the remote control. For more information on using the Edit
commands, see “Edit” on page 16.
Option 2
1. With a CD already in the CD Compartment, press the Menu button to
display the Main Menu screen.
2. Press Down on the Navigation Button to highlight Record from CD
Tr ay.
Navigation Icon
Hint: Selecting
Record instead of
Record & Play
results in faster
recording of music
Animated gears display
in the lower left corner of
the Status/Feedback bar to
indicate that the recorded
track(s) are being encoded
into MP3 format. When
the Status/Feedback bar
displays the message
“encoding completed”,
recording (and encoding)
is finished.