16 | The remote control
The Edit button displays a screen where you can add or change information
about the current track, including Title, Artist, Album (CD), Genre, and Year.
Press Edit again to hide the edit screen.
Alphanumeric keypad
The Alphanumeric Keypad can be used to enter letters and numbers, such as
when you are naming playlists or entering your Internet Service Provider (ISP)
Each alphanumeric key contains both upper and lower case letters, as well as the
number value. Press a particular key multiple times to cycle through the values
associated with that key. For example: Each time it is pressed, the number 2
button cycles through a, b, c, 2, A, B, and C. That means that to have a capital B
you would have to press the number 2 button 6 times.
Press a key to select it, wait a moment, then press the next key.
Special characters
The 1 (one) key includes , (comma), space (for entering a blank space) and 1.
The 0 (zero) key includes *, #, and 0.
NOTE: The first letter of a playlist will appear as a capital unless you
cycle through the letters to the lower case version. If you
capitalize a letter in the middle of a playlist, the next letter will
also appear as an upper case letter unless you cycle through
the letters to the lower case version.
Num lock
The Num Lock button works much like the Num Lock button on a computer
keyboard. Press Num Lock to change the alphanumeric keypad into a numeric
keypad. Press Num Lock again to turn it off.
Caps lock
The Caps Lock button works much like the Caps Lock button on a computer
keyboard. When you press Caps Lock, it allows you to type in all capital letters
with the alphanumeric keypad instead of cycling through the available letters and
numbers to select upper case letters. Press Caps Lock again to turn it off.
The Backspace button allows you to erase/back up in an input box. For
example, if you are typing in a playlist name and decide to change the name, press
the Backspace button to erase the entire name or only a few letters.
The Enter button is equivalent to highlighting and selecting the Done button on
screens that call for user input. After typing in a name or a number, press Enter
to input that information into the Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center.
Remote Control