
DIS Digital Conference System User Manual
User Manual SW 6005 CAA ver 6.2 RevA.docx
Agenda 4.3.5
The agenda is a list of
subjects with a title and
Adding subjects build the
Agenda one by one.
New subjects are added
automatically when
entering text on a blank
line below the last subject.
The agenda shows all
subjects including
An agenda can be created
using the buttons to the
Note: Rows must not be left
blank in
the default
conference language.
Figure 4.3-G
Field for numbering the subjects. The field can be empty.
This field indicates the ‘level’ of the subject. Each level is marked with a
different color.
Expand and collapses the sub-subjects.
Subject Title
Field for entering the main subject and sub-subjects. For each main subject it
is possible to type in a number of sub-subject activates with ’>>’. There can
be a maximum of 5 levels of sub-
subjects (6 levels including the main
subject). The level is marked in the second column with a color and a level
number. Each sub-subject is shown with indention as well.
Max. number of characters: 1000
Speaker Type
A speaker type can be selected from a drop-down list. If speaker type is
selected the speaker type is shown before the speaker name in the CUA and
the CDA Agenda. If speaker type is not selected only the speaker n
ame is
shown. Speaker type is only shown in the CUA and CDA if the subject t
itle is
empty. Speaker types are created in CAA/Setup/Configurations/Speaker
Type Configuration.