DIS Digital Conference System User Manual
User Manual SW 6005 CAA ver 6.2 RevA.docx
4.8 Setup/Configurations
Agenda Subject Configuration 4.8.1
This screen is used to
specify a number of agenda
subject configurations.
The configurations
can be
applied to a subject on an
Agenda or to a conference as
a default configuration.
Figure 4.8-A
Name of the agenda subject configuration
Agenda Subject
Empty Request and
Reply List
When selected the Microphone Request and Reply list is
emptied, when the subject is set active
When selected the microphone is switched Off for all
Delegate speakers, when the subject is set active
If returning to the subject the accumulated Group Speech
Time is reset.
Reset Delegate Speech
If returning to the subject the accumulated Delegate
Speech Time is reset.
When selected a Request time limit is applied. When the
request time limit is reached the request list is closed and
no more requests are accepted from Delegate.
A user with ‘Microphone Control’ rights
can still set
delegate units in Request. The list can be re-opened by
users with ‘Request List Control’ rights.
When selected a user can only request to speak one time
for each subject.
A reply configuration for the subject can be selected using the dropdown list. If no
configuration is selected the default reply configuration will be used. The [Edit]
button brings the ‘Reply Configuration’ screen. For details, please see next chapter.