DIS Digital Conference System User Manual
User Manual SW 6005 CAA ver 6.2 RevA.docx
When ticked the voting time is enabled. After the
time set, the voting session will stop automatically.
Select this option to make voting time counters
display elapsed time starting from zero and
counting up.
Select this option to make voting time counters
display elapsed time starting at the time limit and
counting down to zero.
When ticked External Validation e.g. external
biometric validation using finger print recognition
or iris scanners is enab
led. External validation is
only available if the current conference is of type
‘Login using code’, ‘Login using code and list’ or
‘Login using code on list’. It is also a prerequisite
that chip card is used.
The option shall also be ticked if a Registration
popup is required, when using Registration at the
Voting Stop
Vote Report
When selected a configured printer will print the
‘Subject Vote Report’ after a voting session is
This selection determines the default (Podium or
Own place) when a Speakers is selected to a
It is possible to have up to 8 CDA applications
Various display configuratio
ns can be created in
the CAA application. For each conference it is
possible to assign any created configuration to any
of the CDA applications running.
For more information about CDA configurations
please refer to the ‘User Manual SW 6090 CDA’.