From the Method drop-down list, choose Normal.
Choose the destination data window for your recording. By default, the application records into the active data window. If this is
not where you want to record, use one of the following methods to prepare for recording:
If Then
You want to record into a Click the Window button and choose a data window from the Record
different data window destination window drop-down list. Click OK to return to the Record dialog.
You want to record into a new Click the New button in the Record dialog and specify the attributes (sample
window rate, bit depth, and channels) for the new file. Click OK to return to the Record
The maximum number of channels recorded depends on the data window where you’re recording. For example, if you enabled
six inputs on the Record tab in Audio preferences, you need to record into a six-channel data window to record all six inputs. If you
record to a stereo data window, only two inputs will be recorded.
To route inputs to channels in the data window, click a channel number and choose a new input port from the menu.
To determine which inputs are recorded, type a value in the Channels box. For example, you could type 1-4 to record channels 1
through 4, or type 1, 3, 4 to record only channels 1, 3, and 4.
Choose a recording mode from the Mode drop-down list. For more information, see Choosing a recording mode on page 141.
If necessary, set a start time, duration, or end time for your recording. By default, recording will begin at the current cursor position.
To record to a different cursor position, use one of the following methods:
• Type a new cursor position in the Start field. If you chose the Punch In recording option in the Mode drop-down list, you can
also type values in the End or Length fields to define your recording period.
• Click the Go To button (
) and change the cursor position. Click OK to return to the Record dialog. For more information, see
Setting the cursor position on page 83.
To determine which inputs are recorded, type a value in the Channels box. For example, you could type 1-4 to record channels 1
through 4, or type 1, 3, 4 to record only channels 1, 3, and 4.
Click the Arm button ( ) to have recording begin as soon as possible after you click the Record button ( ).
Arming Sound Forge software prior to recording opens the wave device and loads all recording buffers in order to minimize the
amount of time between clicking the Record button and when the recording starts. This optional step can allow for more accurate
takes when recording in Punch-In mode.
If desired, click the Advanced tab and select the Prerecord buffer check box and specify the amount of time to buffer prior to
recording when the software is armed for recording. A prerecording buffer helps to ensure you won’t miss a perfect take if you’re a
bit slow to click the Record button.
When you click the Record button, recording begins and the sound data in the buffer is committed to disk. For example, if you set a
15-second buffer, recording effectively begins 15 seconds before you click the Record button.
The prerecord buffer is unavailable in punch-in mode.
If necessary, select the DC Adjust check box and calibrate the DC offset adjustment. For more information, see Adjusting for DC offset
on page 141.