Working with Video
Chapter 18
Sound Forge® Pro software supports opening and saving Microsoft® Audio and Video Interleave (AVI), Windows Media® Video (WMV),
QuickTime® (MOV), and MPEG video files. You can edit a video file’s audio track with single-frame accuracy.
Viewing video
You can view the video portion of a file in the data window’s video strip and in the Video Preview window. You can also view video on an
external monitor.
Using the video strip
Though Sound Forge software does not perform video editing, the video strip display allows you to navigate video files.
Right-click the Edit Tool Selector
to view the video strip
Small triangle indicates
the location of the frame
on the timeline
By default, the video strip appears when you open a file containing video. If the video strip is not displayed, right-click the data window’s
Edit Tool Selector and choose Video Strip from the shortcut menu. A check mark appears adjacent to the command and the video strip
is displayed. To hide the video strip, choose Video Strip from the shortcut menu again.
Changing video strip height
You can change the video strip height by dragging the thin bar at the bottom of the video strip. To change the default height for all
video files you open, choose Preferences from the Options menu and set a Default video strip height on the Display tab.
Drag the bar below the video strip to
change the video strip height.
Enabling frame animation
When playing a video file, you can specify whether frames are animated or displayed as still frames. To turn on frame animation, right-
click the video strip and choose Animate from the shortcut menu. A check mark appears adjacent to the command to indicate this
feature is turned on.