Item Description
Prering Low-pass filters are characterized by the amount of ringing they introduce into their
output. Higher Steepness settings produce increased ringing.
A setting of 100% produces a linear phase filter with equal pre and post ringing. A
setting of 0% produces a minimum phase filter that offers no preringing but has
nonlinear phase distortion. Intermediate settings allow a tradeoff between preringing
and postringing and allows you to linearize phase in the pass-band.
Set the sample rate only (do Select this check box to change the playback rate without resampling the data. This
not resample) means that the original pitch of the file is not preserved.
Click OK.
The Reverse command reverses the audio selection.
Open the Musicbed.pca file.
From the Process menu, choose Reverse. The reversed audio data displays in the data window.
Original audio data Reversed audio
Rotate Audio
You can move the beginning of a loop to the end, or the end of a loop to the beginning by rotating audio. For more information, see
Rotating audio on page 270.
To start the XFX Smooth/Enhance plug-in, choose Smooth/Enhance from the Process menu. For more information on using the XFX
Smooth/Enhance plug-in, click the Help button ( ) in the Smooth/Enhance dialog or refer to the Sound Forge online help (from the
Help menu, choose Contents and Index).
Time - Time Stretch
To start the XFX Time Stretch plug-in, choose Time Stretch from the Process menu. For more information on using the XFX Time Stretch
plug-in, click the Help button ( ) in the Time Stretch dialog or refer to the Sound Forge online help (from the
Help menu, choose
Contents and Index).
Time - élastique Timestretch
To start the élastique Timestretch plug-in, choose Time from the Process menu and then choose élastique Timestretch from the
submenu. For information about using the élastique Timestretch plug-in, click the Help button ( ) in the élastique Timestretch dialog or
refer to the Sound Forge online help (from the Help menu, choose Contents and Index).