Tools toolbar
The Tools toolbar contains buttons corresponding to commands in the Tools menu.
Extract Audio from CD Extracts audio from CD and opens
for editing. For more information, see Extracting audio from
CDs on page 144.
Burn Track-at-Once CD Burns the selected audio track to
CD. For more information, see Burning track-at-once (TAO)
CDs on page 290.
Burn Disc-at-Once CD Burns a disc-at-once CD using the
current CD layout. For more information, see Burning disc-
at-once (DAO) CDs on page 292.
Auto Region Creates regions in an audio file according to
rapid sound attacks or a specified time interval. For more
information, see Inserting regions based on rapid sound
attacks on page 123 and Inserting regions based on musical
time intervals on page 123.
Extract Regions Extracts all file regions and saves them as
individual files. For more information, see Creating new files
from regions on page 126.
Detect Clipping Performs clip detection on the current file
or selection. For more information, see Detecting and
marking clipping on page 117.
Find Searches for clicks and pops, volume levels, or silent
breaks in an audio signal. For more information, see Finding
and repairing audio glitches on page 153.
Interpolate Replaces selected audio with interpolated
audio data based on the selection’s beginning and end
samples. For more information, see Interpolating new audio
on page 154.
Replace Replaces selected audio data with previous
adjacent data. For more information, see Replacing audio
with preceding data on page 155.
Copy Other Channel Replaces selected audio with a
corresponding selection from the opposite channel. For
more information, see Copying the other channel on page
Levels toolbar
Noise Reduction Analyzes and removes background noise
such as tape hiss, electrical hum, and machinery rumble.
For more information, click the Help button (
) in the plug-in
Click and Crackle Removal Detects and removes all clicks
and pops. For more information, click the Help button (
) in
the plug-in dialog.
Clipped Peak Restoration Rounds the tops of clipped
peaks and applies peak limiting to the area immediately
surrounding the audio clip. For more information, click the
Help button (
) in the plug-in dialog.
Audio Restoration Removes clicks and background noise
associated with vinyl records. For more information, click
the Help button (
) in the plug-in dialog.
Crossfade Loop Mixes audio occurring before the loop
start point into the end of the loop to smooth transitions.
For more information, see Crossfading loops on page 266.
Sampler Allows you to transfer samples to/from the Sound
Forge application.
For more information, see Sampling on
page 241.
Statistics Displays statistics corresponding to the current
file or selection. For more information, see Viewing selection
statistics on page 64.
Preset Manager Backs up and transfers user-configured
presets from effects, processes, and plug-ins. For more
information, see Using the Preset Manager on page 204.
Batch Converter Allows you to modify and manipulate
multiple audio files without having to process each file
individually. For more information, see Using the Batch
Converter on page 238.
The Levels toolbar displays the audio levels in the left and right channels in the user-specified format. You can right-click to choose the
format from a shortcut menu.
Left channel level Right channel level
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