Control Description
Minimum inter-phrase When you choose the Remove silence between phrases mode, the Minimum inter-phrase silence value
silence determines the minimum amount of silence needed between phrases for a new region to be created.
Minimum length When you choose the Remove data beyond loop points mode, the Minimum length following loop end
following loop end value determines the number of samples that must follow a loop.
More Click this button to view additional options that you can use to adjust your data window selection. For more
information, see Adjusting the data window selection on page 174.
Bit-Depth Converter
The Bit-Depth Converter is used to increase/decrease the bit depth of a file while concealing the resulting quantization noise.
• Decreasing a file’s bit depth decreases the overall size of the file, but results in added quantization noise, which can be masked
using dither and noise shaping.
• Increasing a file’s bit depth—while not improving the quality of the audio—allows subsequent audio processing to be performed
with greater accuracy and resolution.
Prior to decreasing a file’s bit depth, you should optimize the audio for conversion. For more information, see Minimizing quantization
error on page 103.
There are no rules regarding maintaining audio quality when decreasing bit- depth. For this reason, you should always
experiment with the Dither and Noise shaping controls to determine the optimum settings for each file.
Converting a file’s bit depth
Open the Musicbed.pca file.
From the Process menu, choose Bit Depth, and then choose Bit-Depth Converter from the submenu. The Bit-Depth Converter
dialog is displayed.
From the Bit depth drop-down list, choose the desired bit depth.
If necessary, use the Dither drop-down list to specify the type of dither used to mask the quantization noise results from lowering a
file’s bit depth. For more information, see Dither on page 177.
If desired, use the Noise shaping drop-down list to specify any noise shaping to be applied to the file. For more information, see
Noise shaping on page 177.
When increasing a file’s bit depth, set the Dither and Noise shaping controls to None and Off respectively.