FourCC Code Name Description
ICMS Commissioned The name of the person or organization that commissioned the
subject of the file.
ICMT Comments General comments about the file or the subject of the file. If the
comment is several sentences long, end each sentence with a
period. Do not include new-line characters.
ICOP Copyright Copyright information for the file. For example, © Copyright
2009 Sony Creative Software Inc. If there are multiple
copyrights, separate them with a semicolon followed by a space.
ICRD Creation Date The date the subject of the file was created. List dates in year-
month-day format, padding one-digit months and days with a
zero on the left. For example, 1964-03-02 for March 2, 1964.
ICRP Cropped Describes whether an image or sound has been cropped and, if
so, how it was cropped. For example, Third movement, first
through fourth bars.
IDIM Dimensions The size of the original subject of the file. For example, 8.5 in h,
11 in w.
IDPI Dots Per Inch The dots-per-inch setting of the digitizer used to produce the
IENG Engineer The name of the engineer who worked on the file. If there are
multiple engineers, separate the names by a semicolon and a
blank: Engineer, Joe; Mixer, Matt.
IGNR Genre Describes the classification of the original work.
IKEY Keywords Separate multiple keywords with a semicolon and a blank:
Madison; aerial view; scenery.
ILGT Lightness Describes the changes in lightness settings on the digitizer
required to produce the file. The format of this information
depends on hardware used.
IMED Medium Describes the format of the original subject of the file.
INAM Name/Title (CD Text) The title of the subject of the file, such as Madison From Above.
IPLT Palette Setting The number of colors requested when digitizing an image.
IPRD Product The name of the title the file was originally intended for, such as
Encyclopedia of Midwest Geography.
ISBJ Subject Describes the contents of the file, such as Aerial view of
ISFT Software The name of the software package used to create the file.
ISHP Sharpness Identifies the changes in sharpness for the digitizer required to
produce the file. The format of this information depends on the
hardware used.
ISRC Source/Album The name of the person or organization who supplied the
original subject of the file.
ISRF Source Form The original form of the material that was digitized, such as
slide, paper, map, and so forth. This is not necessarily the same
as IMED.
ITCH Technician The technician who digitized the file.
DISP Sound Scheme Title Sets the title that is displayed for Microsoft Sound Systems.
TLEN Text Length (ms) The length of the file in milliseconds.
TRCK Track Number The track number of the media from the original source media.
TURL URL The Web address associated with the file.
TVER Version Sets the version of the file. You can use versioning information
to keep track of multiple mixes.
LOCA Location Identifies the location where the file was recorded.
TORG Organization Identifies the organization that produced the track.
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