Playing a file
After you open a file, you can play it by clicking the Play All button ( ) on the transport bar. For more information, see Transport toolbar
on page 37.
Viewing the current position
As a file plays, the current playback position is indicated in the data window in three ways:
• A cursor travels across the visible portion of the data window.
• The current playback position in relation to the entire file appears in the overview bar.
• The first selection status box in the playbar displays the current position in the user-specified format. For more information, see
Selecting status formats on page 80.
Overview bar
current position
Status box value
Data window scrolling during playback
From the Options menu, choose Scroll Playback (or press F6) to enable automatic data window scrolling during playback. When the
cursor moves off of the current window, it will quickly scroll to show another full window of data.
To enable smooth scrolling, select the Scroll Smoothly option from the Options menu (or press Shift+F6). When this option is selected,
the cursor will slowly move back to the center of the display, and the wave data will scroll past it. This allows you to view upcoming data
while the file is being played.