
Chapter 22 IDP Commands
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
191 Signature Search Example
This example command searches for all signatures in the LAN_IDP profile:
Containing the text “worm” within the signature name
With an ID of 12345
Has a very low severity level
Operates on the Windows NT platform
Is a scan policy type, DNS service
•Is enabled
Generates logs.
22.4 IDP Custom Signatures
Use these commands to create a new signature or edit an existing one.
Note: It is recommended you use the web configurator to create/edit signatures using the
web configurator Anti-X > IDP > Custom Signatures screen.
Note: You must use the web configurator to import a custom signature file.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# idp search signature LAN_IDP name “worm” sid 12345 severity 1
platform 4 policytype 4 service 1 activate yes log log action 2
Table 108 Custom Signatures
idp customize signature quoted_string Create a new custom signature. The quoted string is the
signature command string enclosed in quotes. for example.
"alert tcp any any <> any any (msg: \"test\"; sid: 9000000 ;
idp customize signature edit quoted_string Edits an existing custom signature.
no idp customize signature custom_sid Deletes a custom signature.
show idp signatures custom-signature custom_sid
{details | contents | non-contents}
Displays custom signature information.
show idp signatures custom-signature all details Displays all custom signatures’ information.
show idp signatures custom-signature number Displays the total number of custom signatures.