Chapter 30 AAA Server
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
30.2.3 radius-server Commands
The following table lists the radius-server commands you use to set the default RADIUS server.
30.2.4 radius-server Command Example
The following example sets the secret key and timeout period of the default RADIUS server
( to “87643210” and 80 seconds.
30.2.5 aaa group server ad Commands
The following table lists the aaa group server ad commands you use to configure a group of
AD servers.
Table 149 radius-server Commands
show radius-server Displays the default RADIUS server settings.
[no] radius-server host
radius_server auth-port auth_port
Sets the RADIUS server address and service port number. Enter the IP address
(in dotted decimal notation) or the domain name of a RADIUS server. The
command clears the settings.
[no] radius-server key secret Sets a password (up to 15 alphanumeric characters) as the key to be shared
between the RADIUS server and the ZyWALL. The
no command clears this
[no] radius-server timeout time Sets the search timeout period (in seconds). Enter a number between 1 and
300. The
no command clears this setting.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# radius-server host auth-port 1812
Router(config)# radius-server key 876543210
Router(config)# radius-server timeout 80
Router(config)# show radius-server
host :
authentication port: 1812
key : 876543210
timeout : 80
Table 150 aaa group server ad Commands
clear aaa group server ad [group-name] Deletes all AD server groups or the specified AD server group.
Note: You can NOT delete a server group that is currently in use.
show aaa group server ad group-name Displays the specified AD server group settings.
[no] aaa group server ad group-name Sets a descriptive name for an AD server group. Use this command to enter
the sub-command mode.
no command deletes the specified server group.
aaa group server ad rename group-name
Changes the descriptive name for an AD server group.
aaa group server ad group-name Enter the sub-command mode to configure an AD server group.
[no] case-sensitive Specify whether or not the server checks the username case. Set this to be
the same as the server’s behavior.