
Chapter 22 IDP Commands
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
This example shows you how to display all details of a custom signature.
This example shows you how to display the number of custom signatures on the ZyWALL.
22.5 Update IDP Signatures
Use these commands to update new signatures. You register for IDP service before you can update
IDP signatures, although you do not have to register in order to update system-protect signatures.
Note: You must use the web configurator to import a custom signature file.
Router(config)# show idp signatures custom-signature all details
sid: 9000000
message: test edit
policy type:
all: no
Win95/98: no
WinNT: no
WinXP/2000: no
Linux: no
FreeBSD: no
Solaris: no
SGI: no
other-Unix: no
network-device: no
outbreak: no
Router(config)# show idp signatures custom-signature number
signatures: 1
Table 109 Update Signatures
idp {signature | system-protect} update signatures Immediately downloads IDP or system protect signatures
from an update server.
[no] idp {signature | system-protect} update auto Enables (disables) automatic signature downloads at
regular times and days.
idp {signature | system-protect} update hourly Enables automatic signature download every hour.
idp {signature | system-protect} update daily
Enables automatic signature download every day at the
time specified.
idp {signature | system-protect} update weekly {sun
| mon | tue | wed | thu | fri | sat} <0..23>
Enables automatic signature download once-a-week at the
time and day specified.
show idp {signature | system-protect} update Displays signature update schedule.
show idp {signature | system-protect} update status Displays signature update status.
show idp {signature | system-protect} signatures
{version | date | number}
Displays signature information