Chapter 23 Content Filtering
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
23.5 Content Filter Command Input Values
The following table explains the values you can input with the content-filter commands.
Table 111 Content Filter Command Input Values
policy_number The number of the policy <0 - X > where X depends on the number of content filtering
policies the ZyWALL model supports. See the CLI help for details.
address The name (up to 63 characters) of an existing address object or group to which the
policy should be applied.
schedule The name (up to 63 characters) of an existing schedule to control when the policy
should be applied.
filtering_profile The filtering profile defines how to filter web URLs or content. You may use 1-31
alphanumeric characters, underscores(
_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot
be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
category_name The name of a web category.
{adult-mature-content| pornography| sexeducation| intimate-apparel-swimsuit|
nudity| alcohol-tobacco| illegal-questionable| gambling| violence-hate-racism|
weapons| abortion| hacking| phishing| arts-entertainment| business-economy|
alternative-spirituality-occult| illegal-drugs| education| cultural-charitable-
organization| financial-services| brokerage-trading| online-games| government-legal|
military| political-activist-groups| health| computers-internet| search-engines-portals|
spyware-malware-sources| spyware-effects-privacy-concerns| job-search-careers|
news-media| personals-dating| reference| open-image-media-search| chat-instant-
messaging| email| blogs-newsgroups| religion| social-networking| online-storage|
remote-access-tools| shopping| auctions| real-estate| society-lifestyle| sexuality-
alternative-lifestyles| restaurants-dining-food| sports-recreation-hobbies| travel|
vehicles| humor-jokes| software-downloads| pay-to-surf| peer-to-peer| streaming-
media-mp3s| proxy-avoidance| for-kids| web-advertisements| web-hosting| extreme|
alcohol| tobacco| blogs-personal-pages| web-applications| suspicious| alternative-
sexuality-lifestyles| lgbt| non-viewable| content-servers| placeholders}
trust_hosts The IP address or domain name of a trusted web site. Use a host name such as
www.good-site.com. Do not use the complete URL of the site – that is, do not include
“http://”. All subdomains are allowed. For example, entering “zyxel.com” also allows
“www.zyxel.com”, “partner.zyxel.com”, “press.zyxel.com”, etc. Use up to 63 case-
insensitive characters (0-9a-z-).
You can enter a single IP address in dotted decimal notation like
You can enter a subnet by entering an IP address in dotted decimal notation followed by
a slash and the bit number of the subnet mask of an IP address. The range is 0 to 32.
To find the bit number, convert the subnet mask to binary and add all of the 1’s
together. Take “” for example. 255 converts to eight 1’s in binary. There
are three 255’s, so add three eights together and you get the bit number (24).
An example is
You can enter an IP address range by entering the start and end IP addresses
separated by a hyphen, for example