
Chapter 26 User/Group
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
Description: EPS-on-LAN
Source: use address object “LAN1_SUBNET”
Destination: use address object “DMZ_Servers”
User Authentication: required
Schedule: no specified
Endpoint security: Activate
endpoint security object: use “EPS-WinXP” and “EPS-WinVista” for the first and second checking
EPS objects
26.2.5 Additional User Commands
This table lists additional commands for users.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# force-auth policy insert 1
Router(config-force-auth-1)# activate
Router(config-force-auth-1)# description EPS-on-LAN
Router(config-force-auth-1)# source LAN1_SUBNET
Router(config-force-auth-1)# destination DMZ_Servers
Router(config-force-auth-1)# authentication force
Router(config-force-auth-1)# no schedule
Router(config-force-auth-1)# eps activate
Router(config-force-auth-1)# eps 1 EPS-WinXP
Router(config-force-auth-1)# eps 2 EPS-WinVista
Router(config-force-auth-1)# exit
Table 138 username/groupname Commands Summary: Additional
show users {username | all | current} Displays information about the users logged onto the system.
show lockout-users Displays users who are currently locked out.
unlock lockout-users {ip | console| ipv6_addr} Unlocks the specified IP address.
users force-logout username | ip | ipv6_addr Logs out the specified login.