Chapter 6 Interfaces
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
nd ra prefix-advertisement
dhcp6_profile dhcp6_suffix_64
Configures the network prefix to use a delegated prefix as the beginning
part of the network prefix.
dhcp6_profile: Specify the DHCPv6 request object to use for
generating the network prefix for the network.
dhcp6_suffix_64: Specify the ending part of the IPv6 network address
plus a slash (/) and the prefix length. The ZyWALL appends it to the
selected delegated prefix. The combined address is the network prefix
for the network.
For example, you got a delegated prefix of 2003:1234:5678/48. You
want to divide it into 2003:1234:5678:1111/64 for this interface and
2003:1234:5678:2222/64 for another interface. You can use ::1111/64
and ::2222/64 for the suffix address respectively. But if you do not want
to divide the delegated prefix into subnetworks, enter ::0/48 here,
which keeps the same prefix length (/48) as the delegated prefix.
dhcp6 { server | client | relay upper
{ config_interface | ipv6_addr } }
Sets the IPv6 interface to be a DHCPv6 server, client or relay. For relay,
specify an interface from which to get the DHCPv6 server’s address or
the IPv6 address of a DHCPv6 server.
dhcp6 rapid-commit This shortens the DHCPv6 message exchange process from four to two
steps to help reduce network traffic.
Note: Make sure you also enable this option in the DHCPv6 clients to
make rapid commit work.
dhcp6 address-request Get this interface’s IPv6 address from the DHCPv6 server.
dhcp6 refresh-time {
<600..4294967294> | infinity }
Sets the number of seconds a DHCPv6 client should wait before
refreshing information retrieved from DHCPv6.
dhcp6 duid { duid | mac } Specify the DHCP Unique IDentifier (DUID) of the interface or have it
generated from the interface’s default MAC address.
dhcp6-lease-object dhcp6_profile For a DHCPv6 server interface, specify the profile of DHCPv6 lease
settings to offer to DHCPv6 clients.
dhcp6-request-object dhcp6_profile For a DHCPv6 client interface, specify the profile of DHCPv6 request
settings that determine what additional information to get from the
DHCPv6 server.
interface interface_name no ipv6 Enters the sub-command mode for deleting the specified IPv6 address
or removing it’s settings.
enable Turns off the IPv6 interface.
address ipv6_addr_prefix Removes the IPv6 interface’s IPv6 prefix setting.
gateway Removes the IPv6 interface’s gateway setting.
nd ra accept Sets the IPv6 interface to discard IPv6 neighbor discovery router
advertisement messages.
nd ra advertise Has the IPv6 interface not send IPv6 neighbor discovery router
advertisement messages.
nd ra managed-config-flag Turns off the flag in IPv6 router advertisements that tells hosts to use
managed (stateful) protocol for address autoconfiguration in addition to
any addresses autoconfigured using stateless address
nd ra other-config-flag Turns off the other stateful configuration flag in IPv6 router
advertisements that tells hosts to use administered (stateful) protocol to
obtain autoconfiguration information other than addresses.
nd ra mtu Removes the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size setting for IPv6
packets the interface sends.
Table 16 interface General Commands: Basic Properties and IP Address Assignment (continued)