Chapter 26 User/Group
ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide
26.2 User/Group Commands Summary
The following table identifies the values required for many username/groupname commands.
Other input values are discussed with the corresponding commands.
The following sections list the username/groupname commands.
26.2.1 User Commands
The first table lists the commands for users.
Table 132 username/groupname Command Input Values
username The name of the user (account). You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_),
or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.
groupname The name of the user group. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(
_), or
dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive. It cannot
be the same as the user name.
Table 133 username/groupname Commands Summary: Users
show username [username] Displays information about the specified user or about all users
set up in the ZyWALL.
username username nopassword user-type {admin |
guest | limited-admin | user}
Creates the specified user (if necessary), disables the password,
and sets the user type for the specified user.
username username password password user-type
{admin | guest | limited-admin | user}
Creates the specified user (if necessary); enables and sets the
password; and sets the user type for the specified user.
password: You can use 1-63 printable ASCII characters, except
double quotation marks (“) and question marks (?).
username username user-type ext-user Creates the specified user (if necessary) and sets the user type
to Ext-User.
username username user-type ext-group-user
associated-aaa-server server_profile group-id id
Specify the value of the AD or LDAP server’s Group Membership
Attribute that identifies the group to which the specified ext-
group-user type user account belongs.
no username username Deletes the specified user.
username rename username username Renames the specified user (first username) to the specified
username (second username).
username username [no] description description Sets the description for the specified user. The
no command
clears the description.
description: You can use alphanumeric and
characters, and it can be up to 60 characters
username username [no] logon-time-setting
<default | manual>
Sets the account to use the factory default lease and
reauthentication times or custom ones.